LynnSmall + Dennis Paul

  Long Island Portfolio   PA Dutch Portfolio  

California Portfolio


Forever Wild Portfolio


Voice of the Landscape


T h o m a s C o l e

Painter, Poet, Prophet

Voice of the Landscape: Earth Elegies III
42-second WebClip



The landscape work is often difficult and always time consuming. Our desire to capture a sense of place particular to a specific region, yet release more universal memory traces, makes a difficult task even more so. The presence of obstacles -- difficult terrain, harsh weather, exhaustion -- often corresponds to the nearness of treasure, a moment of time, light or physical presence which always brings us closer to the desired.

Through the details of a specific landscape - the macrocosm of nature - one can meditate on the wonder of creation itself.

Over the course of our careers, we have dedicated ourselves to the pursuit of the vanishing American landscape. The ongoing series has focused on specific areas such as LONG ISLAND and the HAMPTONS; FOREVER WILD - CATSKILLS,ADIRONDACKS and HUDSON RIVER;, PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH; and now, CALIFORNIA and the SOUTHWEST.

It also encompasses many themes including waterfalls, western light and both coastal and desert imagery, as well as environmental issues.

Our EARTH Series encourages reflection upon the various implications inherent in the utilization of the earth's natural resources. It encompasses both individual and collaborative works that explore these issues from three distinct perspectives:

  • above the earth's surface - paintings and drawings by LYNN SMALL inspired by the first NASA Landsat photographic survey, these images from a reversed perspective were a pivotal moment in the history of mankind,providing us all with new vision;

  • at the earth's surface - collaborative landscapes by CoLabART - Lynn Small + Dennis Paul;

  • below the earth's surface - mixed-media, photo-based works by DENNIS PAUL that depict the transient and transformative/destructive nature of the environment in exposed earth stratas and the resurfacing of civilization's buried by-products, stored within the earth.

We trust that the inclusion of these examples will serve to demonstrate our belief that it is only through the finite nature of every existing thing that we may deduce the existence of the infinite.









With Nature's revealed truth

The magnificence

For all to share

Savored for the moment

Man is but a strand
in the web of life







Please don't forget to sign our guest book.



D. Paul/Small


©1993-2024 - CoLabART - Lynn Small + Dennis Paul
   All rights reserved.