Grants&Awards — Lectures&Artist Talks — Reviews&Essays
Partial Listings
GRANTS AND AWARDS: Partial Listing
Bronx Council on the Arts Annual Show, Painting Award
1970-71 H.E.W./E.S.E.A. Title I, Language Arts Through Visual Arts
Polaroid Corporation, Matching Materials Grant
1972 3M Corporation, Madrid, Spain
1973 Westchester Art Society, Mixed-media and Graphics Awards, White Plains
Arts Festival, Graphics Award
1978 Yaddo, Saratoga Springs, NY, Residency Fellowships
in Painting/Photography
1989 Rockland Center for the Arts, Mixed-media Award
1993 Yeshiva University Museum, NYC, Installation Commission
2000 Judah L. Magnes Museum, Photography
2003 Yaddo, Saratoga Springs,
NY, Residency Fellowships in Painting/Photography/Multimedia
Board of Education, NYC, Language Arts Through Visual Arts
1972 USIA, US Embassy, Madrid, Spain, Trends in Contemporary American Art
1973 Museum of the City of Mexico, Photography as Art, Women in
the Arts
1974 Art Institute of Chicago, Utilization of Film Techniques in Communications
& Modern Art
1979 NYC Metropolitan Historic Structures Assoc., Public Funding Opportunities
1981 NJ Committee Arts for the Handicapped, Developing a Fundraising Strategy
1993 Yeshiva University Museum, NYC, Docent staff, Woman
of Valor exhibition
1995 University of Judaism, Los Angeles, The Threads
That Bind Us Earth Elegies
1995 Artopia Gallery, Los
Angeles, Dialogues With The Deity
1998 Barnsdall Art Park - ELEMENTS, Los Angeles Municipal
Art Gallery,In The Beginning Earth Elegies II
2000 Los Angeles Judaica Collectors Club,
The Kabbalah Series
2001 University Women, University of Judaism,
Bell Gallery, Los Angeles, The Kabbalah Series
2002 Brooks Institute of Photography, Santa Barbara, The
Making of Marks: Art, Technology and Philosophy in the Digital Age
+ ESSAYS: Partial Listing
Forward, NYC, Location, Location: At Installations
Wedding Art to Technology, Context Is Everything, Leslie Cohen, May 11,
2001, Arts & Letters
Jewish Journal, Los Angeles, CA, Mystic Letters, Eric H. Roth, January
5, 2001, p. 20
Los Angeles Times, Exhibiting an Uplifting Outlook, Nancy Kapitanoff,
November 11, 1994,Calendar Arts Section, p. 5
The Riverdale Press, Making Art with a Message, Brian Kluepfel, May
11, 1989, Section B, p. 1
Reading Eagle, Paul/Small Earth Series Unites Pa. Dutch Themes with Modern
Expression, Francesco DeSantis, June 23, 1985, Arts & Entertainment
Section B, p. 1
The New York Times, Artists’ Works Are At the Center of the Action,
Andy Grundberg, October 3, 1982, Photography View, Arts and Leisure Section
2, p. 27
ELEMENTS, In The Beginning Installation - Barnsdall Art Park, Los Angeles
Municipal Gallery
1995 L.A. INTERNATIONAL, Tina Modotti - Photographer, Chac-Mool Gallery
1990 Third Annual Hudson River Photography Annual, Fish Library, Garrison,
1989 Second Annual Hudson River Photography Annual, Butler Gallery,
Marymount College, Tarrytown, NY
1988 First Annual Hudson River Photography Annual, Lenoir Preserve,
Yonkers, NY
Lynn Small
Public & Private
C o L a b A R T
1978 — PRESENT
Everything is two things that converge.
This range of convergence is really the great area of speculation.
—Robert Smithson
©1993-2024 CoLabART • D. Paul/Small - Lynn Small + Dennis Paul
All rights reserved.